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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

[MOFA.CN] Unfriendly act (PTO) in eChina congress election

21 Dia 1,375, 05:08 Publicado em China China Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

eChina strongly condemns the act of attempted PTO, and protecting eChina's national sovereignty and security is the solemn right of the government and citizen of every eChina.

The government of eChina would also like to stress and reiterate that

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[MOFA.CN] 本周外交大使报告一览 | Weekly Reports from eChina Ambassadors (day1372)

12 Dia 1,372, 00:12 Publicado em China China Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

本周共有5位外交大使提交了报告, 有兴趣了解我们盟友的最新动向, 趣闻, 甚至八卦事么?🙂
给他们 V+S 鼓励大使们的努力啊!!

5 eChina ambassadors publish their reports this week.
If you're interested in latest information, funny stuffs or even RL things of our allies, pls kindly give V+S to our … ler mais »

[MOFA.CN] 本周外交大使报告一览 | Weekly Reports from eChina Ambassadors (day1364)

15 Dia 1,364, 06:23 Publicado em China China Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

本周共有4位外交大使提交了报告, 有兴趣了解我们盟友的最新动向, 趣闻, 甚至八卦事么?XD
给他们 V+S 鼓励大使们的努力啊!!

4 eChina ambassadors publish their reports this week.
If you're interested in latest information, funny stuffs or even RL things of our allies, pls kindly give V+S to our

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[MOFA.CN] 8月外交大使一覽 (Ambassador of eChina,August)

13 Dia 1,362, 05:06 Publicado em China China Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

亦會定期發外交報告, 讓大家更能認識e世界的最新動向啊~
GO GO 外交大使! XD

The following is our China ambassadors (August).
They will be responsible for developing connection and friendship between the destinated countries and eChina.

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[MoFA.CN] About CS Requests

10 Dia 1,361, 02:02 Publicado em China China Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dear friends and citizens of allied countries,

If you're a citizen of an EDEN nation or another allied country, and you want to obtain Chinese citizenship, please send a message to this org:

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