[MOFA.CN] 本周外交大使报告一览 | Weekly Reports from eChina Ambassadors (day1372)

Day 1,372, 00:12 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

本周共有5位外交大使提交了报告, 有兴趣了解我们盟友的最新动向, 趣闻, 甚至八卦事么?🙂
给他们 V+S 鼓励大使们的努力啊!!

5 eChina ambassadors publish their reports this week.
If you're interested in latest information, funny stuffs or even RL things of our allies, pls kindly give V+S to our ambassadors' reports!! 🙂

驻美国大使 / USA Ambassador:petermarco 
报告连接 / Report's link:[驻美国大使] 工作汇报

Description:Introducing the latest tax system of USA.

驻台湾大使 / ROC Ambassador:y05502 
报告连接 / Report's link:[驻ROC大使]ROC近况

报告简介:简介最新台湾信息, 包括人口、战略方针、未来计划等
Description:Providing the latest ROC information, including population, military strategy and future plans.

驻保加利亚大使 / Bulgaria Ambassador:KK Lau 
报告连接 / Report's link:K Files|[外交快讯] 驻保加利亚大使

Description:Introducing the reason of the Bulgaria President impeachment, the relationship with Cyprus and RL Bulgaria history.

驻澳洲大使 / Australia Ambassador:offside 
报告连接 / Report's link:澳大利亚观察(2)-大使报告(day 1370)

Description:Providing the latest Australia information in economics, political, military and diplomacy areas

驻瑞典大使 / Sweden Ambassador:Crematory_Ns 
报告连接 / Report's link:[代发]瑞典大使外交报告(内有基图) (Report from Chinese Ambassador in Sweden CN/ENG)

报告简介:介绍瑞典与丹麦的关系, 及内有基图 XD
Description:Introducing the relationship between Sweden and Denmark, plus some lovely pictures, enjoy~

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