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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

MoD Release: War Games On! Day 762

5 Dia 762, 15:00 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


Fight HERE

Move to Northeast of Ireland, there is a Q5 Hospital.

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MoD Update: SoL Training Wars on!

11 Dia 760, 16:19 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


Fight Here

Move to Northeast of Ireland, there is a Q5 Hospital.

Stop fighting when you reach 40-50 wellness

When you … ler mais »

MoD Release|Orders and updates|Day 755

23 Dia 755, 11:00 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


IDF wide orders are to return to Ireland by 12:00 Erep time tomorrow. We are at a crucial point in implementation, we need you home. If you are in need of … ler mais »

CoS|MoD Release: Update on Master Plan Day 752

36 Dia 752, 12:00 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

CoS report:

Operations completed

* Re-organising divisions, and re-assigning soldiers
* Establishing companies, and orgs, for supplying each division
* Establishing a cross-ministerial working … ler mais »

MoD Release: War Games On! Day 751

24 Dia 751, 13:19 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


Fight HERE

Move to Northeast of Ireland, there is … ler mais »