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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

CoS Announcment: WARGAMES!!!

14 Dia 728, 11:58 Publicado em Ireland Ireland



Fight HERE

Wait until you last login of the day to fight in these wargames. These wargames present a perfect situation for Indonesia to attack

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IDF Announcement: Indonesia Attacks Malaysia

15 Dia 725, 20:01 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland,

It seems the Indonesia has attacked Malaysia here.

IDF members, your orders are to HOLD FIRE. Do not fight in this battle. We have intelligence that states this

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CoS Announcement WARGAMES!!!!

9 Dia 725, 14:29 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


It's been awhile, but...


Fight HERE

Move to Northeast of Ireland, there is a Q5 Hospital.

Stop fighting when you reach 40-50 wellness


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IDF/OGD Compromise

23 Dia 725, 08:37 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland,

After some deliberation, myself and OGD commander, Rhett Butler, have come to a compromise about dual membership of the IDF and OGD.

We have decided that if IDF members wish to join the OGD and tour around with them, they will

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Official IDF Stance on the OGD

36 Dia 720, 18:01 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Hello eIreland,

I write to you today about a serious matter, the Irish paramilitary group, Odysseus Global Defense (ODG).

This private military coropration (PMC) was created by Rhett Butler and Buddysilver, both IDF members.

I, personally

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