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Newspaper for the Irish Department of Defence

[MoD] The War with the UK, why we are choosing to be neutral...

19 Dia 789, 18:52 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Ireland is Neutral in the UK conflict and will NOT be deploying
I know there is many questions you all want the answers too, I'm here to give them.

Why? I thought we were bound by the Raleigh Treaty![ler mais »

[MoD] When Ireland needs you will YOU be there?

26 Dia 784, 17:42 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Let him who desires peace prepare for war. - Flavius Vegetius Renatus

The quotation sums up the Irish Defence Forces.[ler mais »

[MoD] First Address, Updates and Competitions

20 Dia 780, 11:48 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


The president, Edana Savage, has been nice enough to appoint myself to the role of Minister of Defence and Sean Power as the Chief of Staff. I believe as a team myself and sean can accomplish a lot ler mais »

CoS: Final Update and Farewells

28 Dia 772, 15:02 Publicado em Ireland Ireland

Well it's been almost one month since the beginning of the implementation of the "Master Plan". If you had the benefit of reading the "leaked" version thanks to the underhand work of some of Ireland's finest, you'll know what it

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MoD Release: War Games On! Day 766

12 Dia 766, 15:01 Publicado em Ireland Ireland


Fight HERE

Move to Northeast of Ireland, there is a Q5 Hospital.

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