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De man die niet kan antwoorden.

2 Dia 1,926, 06:46 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Dit bericht is speciaal bedoeld voor de spelers die me berichten sturen.
Het zal jullie zijn opgevallen dat je geen antwoord krijgt.

Helaas werkt deze functie bij mij sinds een tijdje niet meer.
Ook de shouts en de functie 'get reward' doen het

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Iron and Wine keeps two places in congress!

8 Dia 1,925, 06:55 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

It was difficult, but Iron and Wine has kept his two places in congress! Offcourse we missed Kixtart. And we will miss him for long! But the party is going on.
Odan and I wil represent the ideas of Iron and Wine, the party for the people!

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Be clever again: Janeway game part 11 !

7 Dia 1,925, 02:33 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

A new opportunity to become famous! Do you want to become the new Janeway game topper?
Then, try to win...

The question:

This river is a friend of children.


James Janeway
Partypresident and congressmember of Iron and Wine.

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Be clever again! Janeway game, part 10!

16 Dia 1,919, 02:45 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Again the Janeway game. Again you can become the JGT !
You never was?

But, you can go for it this time! And.. if you once were a
JGT, i bet you want to become it again..

The question:

We love this area in France.


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Iron and Wine: getting stronger!

5 Dia 1,917, 00:48 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

In the last elections i was chosen for party president. I was the only candidate and it is great - that despite of that - a lot of the partymembers have voted.
Thank you for your support!

A lot of parties had a difficult time in the last months,

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