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Please, give new players more influence!

11 Dia 1,931, 06:30 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

In this game i always see the same names.. And that is no problem ofcourse. There is a group of 'old' players that rules the country, the parties, the ministeries and other things..

The same players also become president.

Is this good

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Mijn eerste doel is bereikt!

2 Dia 1,931, 00:17 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Ik heb me vorige week kandidaat gesteld vanwege een paar redenen. Zoals ik in diverse kranten heb aangegeven vond ik het een heel slechte zaak dat er zich een paar dagen voor de presidentsverkiezingen nog helemaal niemand kandidaat had gesteld.

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The real problem / het echte probleem!

7 Dia 1,928, 06:47 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

In my opinion we have a problem in ENetherland. A big problem. The number of active players is getting down.
And a lot of them are not happy with the way things are going.

Offcourse we are a small country, and a large part of it is not in our

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Next elections in 3 days. Only one candidate !?

6 Dia 1,928, 00:00 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I wrote it already in my previous newpaper, but only in Dutch: i am a candidate for the presidential election..

A. Because there is no other candidate. And it is 3 days before next elections. For democracy is is very important that you have

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Kandidaat voor President/nominated for country president!

15 Dia 1,927, 01:16 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Het zal u/jou misschien verbazen, maar ik heb me zojuist kandidaat gesteld voor C.P.


Meerdere redenen...

In de eerste plaats:
De verkiezingen komen er aan en er is nog geen enkele kandidaat. Geen goede zaak vind ik. Er moet iets te

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