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De regering en het democratische proces. Wat mag en wat mag niet?

9 Dia 1,953, 01:48 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Er is nogal wat ophef rond de congres-verkiezingen van gisteren. En dat niet ten onrechte. Een van de partijen, Democratische Nederland, maakte een kapitale fout (of althans: de partijleider deed dat) door slechts 1 kandidaat voor het congres te

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I am worried about Iron and Wine!

4 Dia 1,946, 08:55 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I like 'my' party Iron and Wine very much. First because it is a party of good people. Secon😛 it is the only right wing party in Enetherland.
Thir😛 It is a grand old party, with a lot of history and experience.


I am worried about the

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Odan for partypresident Iron and Wine!

6 Dia 1,941, 03:27 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Till now i am the partypresident of Iron and Wine, but i will not in the next period.
No problem: we have a very good candidate.

Odan will be. He has a lot of experience and is smart too.
I am convinced that he will lead our party in a very

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Van Spijck wins. Good luck. It will become a heavy job.

9 Dia 1,933, 00:28 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

We are wainting to the final outcome of the presidential elections but it is clear that Van Spijck is the winner.

It was a good election. The people of Enetherland had a choice, and that is the way it has to be. It was also the

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Make the game better! Vote for James Janeway!

4 Dia 1,932, 00:18 Publicado em Netherlands Netherlands Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

If you vote on me today, you make a statement.
You tell the nation that the game has to become less boring and more interesting!

Wars are important.
International relations are important.
Diplomacy is important.

But the most important thing

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