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- 1986 -

[MoF] Money return

19 hari ke 2,710, 17:13 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

Hello Ireland,
we have finally resetted our orgs and I'd like to ask you to return the money recieved in 10 000 IEP checks by the thief kuthesh.

We are going to re-build our captial and do a … baca lebih lanjut »

[Summit] Our day will come!

9 hari ke 2,703, 09:22 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

Hello my dear country,
once again we've been put up with some nasty things, with inner enemy, threat from the
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25 hari ke 2,703, 05:50 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland Debat dan analisa politik Debat dan analisa politik

special edit:

Hello eIreland,

We've all witnessed about how kuthesh has much of a respect for RL Irish, eIreland baca lebih lanjut »

[DC] Join #IrishArmy tonight!

48 hari ke 2,699, 07:32 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland Arahan pertempuran Arahan pertempuran

Hello eIreland,
I have to write again, I need to try save what’s still availiable to be saved before it’s too late. CrOmega had a meeting last day and we’ve discussed about baca lebih lanjut »

[MoF Report] President has resetted Orgs!!!

76 hari ke 2,696, 13:18 Diterbitkan di Ireland Ireland Perniagaan kewangan Perniagaan kewangan

Hello eIreland,
as I’m writing this I’m shocked because of what our new President I wholeheartly wanted to be a decent and successful has done. Without ANY notice all of our baca lebih lanjut »