[DC] Join #IrishArmy tonight!

Day 2,699, 07:32 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello eIreland,
I have to write again, I need to try save what’s still availiable to be saved before it’s too late. CrOmega had a meeting last day and we’ve discussed about how do we handle the kuthesh’s lies, provocations, lack of work and other things we don’t like to see here in Eire. The conclusion of the meeting was that we’re going to let him work, that we’re going to give him a chance, let him ruin the country if it’s what needed for everyone to see what’s going on. We’ve resigned from Government (I was fired though) after the article written by kuthesh clearly accussed us of things we can’t even imagine. After proving him wrong with the facts and evidences as well as many other people did in the comments he kept with provocations. He's now a President without a Cabinet, probably the first one that capable in eIrish history. That's the reason why Irish Army had a delay with weapons suppling, that's the reason there's no income at all in the last three-four days, that's the reason we're not officially helping our Avalon friends - UK, we're not respecting our Treaty. That's the reason whole eWorld knows about what's going on here, everyone, except Ireland..yet.

Ireland, meet you President…

Firstly he started to accuse me for bribing him (?) and created this message with ‘inspect element’

After this masterpiece work I’m asking several questions such as, why would I speak to him in english if we can understand each other in croatian? Why would I send you 400 000 IEP and then ask you to leave? Why wouldn’t I simply start revolution and send you home? He's not really a smart man, and it’s sad that among all the duties he has right now you do trolling work and lies..

Secondly, he created this shameful thing:

Not only that this insults Donovan Thomas as an individual and a normal person, but it’s also very sad to see someone like kuthesh insults someone like DT without any reaction by the Irish public. That’s just sad knowing how many things DT did for this community…

When Vlado said that kuthesh’s article is full of lies in a congress thread this was “our” President’s reaction:

He’s actually insulting one of the Irish longest friends and allies, a nation which fought for us like lions, just because of what? I don’t understand this...of course I’ve been contacted by Bulgarians about this straight away. This was his first fail in “our” diplomacy.

Ireland keeps losing 5000 IEP per day, there is no MoD, MoFA, MoF and I was wondering what’s the pleasure for him, why he does all this? What demon got in him? What made him went fully rogue? Later that day he appointed a new MoD and MoFA, most probably without their knowledge. So, now our new MoFA is Uljanov, a great guy with absolutely no expirience in Diplomacy and our MoD is Liam Tatlock who just said in “Cabinet” threat few minutes ago that he’s barely active these days.

While I was wondering what’s wrong with this lying guy who got elected by a mistake he added me as a friend, this was awkward enough since I just deleted him few hours before. His first messages was even more surprising..It’s all on croatian, so I will translate it after each screenshot. Any Croat or a Serb can confirm that the translation is true. If someone suspects I also used ‘inspect element’ like kuthesh I invite him to log into my account and check for himself (of course, if he’s trustworthy).

Here are the all pictures which confirms our conversation (SCROLL DOWN FOR TRANSCRIPT OF OUR CHAT TRANSLATED ON ENGLISH):

Transcript of our messages (I hate sharing logs, but this is about national security)

kuthesh: Accept me bro

DC: When you write a public apology to me and my friends for your lies maybe I will.

kuthesh: Accept me and I will apologise.
kuthesh: Why do you steal? It’s not good.

DC: Give me one proof I ever stole anything. I’ve never took a single IEP from Ireland for myself.

kuthesh: When you became CP you took all the money, everything was yours. Of course you didn’t took anything from Ireland when treasury was empty. Don’t be mad bro for betraying you, I can make you MoF again, just don’t do it.

DC: What are you talking about?

I always kept Irish finances open for public, it’s well known how much money we’ve had when I took charge because the former MoF Nogin the Nog has also kept records which was confirmed by all the PP’s and then my report was confirmed too.

Ever since then I keep records of each move I make with money and you can see how much money Ireland makes when I’m MoF and now last days when I’m not.

I’m not interested in being MoF in your term, I don’t have any trust in you anymore, I don’t want make money you would steal, and I don’t want two of us cooperate at all. It goes on your soul for accusing me for something you know I never did without any evidence. I wouldn’t do this thing to the enemy and not my own country. That just says enough about you.

kuthesh: Of course you’re not interested when I’m not going to make you MoF anyway. Explain why you steal Irish money make multies and other stuff. Don’t, you know I only want to help. Give one more statement against you and I will destroy you!

DC: You will destroy me?

You’re President without a Government, without support, without anything. You accusse people who gave more for this country than you ever will and you create divide in community, you’re insulting our allies, you haven’t done anything so far…

I don’t know what’s even interesting here for you. Why you do this? Go back where you come from and never come back again.

kuthesh: Our allies are great, I don’t need Government because I’m the strongest. (I didn’t understood what he said here). Finger works best so far.

It’s not interesting I admit, but you do what you have to do.

I’m not leaving Ireland, I’m going to create my dynasty here.

DC: Good job, congratulations on destroying a community, I hope you’re proud of yourself

kuthesh: Kel’Tuzard Destroyed of the World, congratz on stomping that village yesterday.

Do you know this joke?

DC: All I know is that you’re pathetic.

kuthesh: I make my own game as I want. That’s why Macedonians doesn’t support me. I want to play as I want.

And you’re a thief.

DC: Macedonians doesn’t support you because you’re id*ot

What’s the pleasure in making someone else something bad? I don’t see any sense here, only in case if you’re a sick guy, a sociopath, which I believe you are.

So, he actually admitted he’s not going to have a Government, he “doesn’t need anyone since he’s strong enough to do it by himself”. He said the same thing Daniel Plainview said “I play my own game as I want” which clearly proves he doesn’t care about community, he admitted that he betrayed me and lied for nothing, he admitted that he’s here to “stomp this village”. What else do you need? When are you going to realize what kind of guy is he? Till when are you going to support such people?

Omega Eireann won’t start impeachment law in Congress threads (since we can’t propose it ingame), but we will support any sane person starting it, because we want those who made all this mess to fix it by themselves. I firstly mean of all the parties supporting him “Just because EA supported him” without knowing that the two guys supporting his candidacy in IA were two inactive, but great and naive guys. All others just gave a support to a completely unknown guy. It’s okay, you didn’t thought he’s going to behave like he does, but it’s time to fix your mistake and remove this deadwood from Irish community.

Who has guts to admit a mistake first? We are waiting.

Ireland’s National channel - #eIreland
Irish MoFA Channel - #eire.fa

Ireland is a country with:

80% food bonuses
40% weapon bonuses
1% Work Tax
1% VAT
Why wouldn’t you join us?

Don Croata