[Summit] Our day will come!

Day 2,703, 09:22 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello my dear country,
once again we've been put up with some nasty things, with inner enemy, threat from the outside, we have been robbed, we have been in a pain... Once again, we're the ones to be blamed for our own faith, our own little fights, our own inner struggles to live with each other, I'll be the first one to admit that I'm also partly guilty for spreading the fire among us. The other side is to be blamed as well. None of us is innocent in this internal war. None.

One way, or another, we'll get up from this. We are broke now, but we've been broke before too. We are on our kneels now, but we will raise again. Like a Phoenix.

I hope this is the last time we have to build our country from nothing. Because, being a broke country in a game like this is equal to being nothing. We are a new country. We play hard mode of this game, in a small community only the brave ones can survive.

We will rise, but this time, let's rise together, let's build a country together. Without false accussations, without backstabbing. We need to unite our knowledge, our power, we need to find a best way to handle this new situation..

Can we pretend that eIreland has just been added to eRepublik? Because that's what our state is like. Can we pretend there was no fights between us, and start all over again? From zero..

Can we help each others, elect only the most active, the most capable, can we accept that everyone has right for opinion? Can we learn to express our opinion more nicely? I'm the first one to try.

My dear Ireland,
tonight we are rising, tonight the New Ireland begins. Be part of it, join #IrishArmy today in 12:00 Erepublik time and let's make a hell of a country, feared by many. We can do it, together.

Please shout this, message your friends, let's gather 60 people, tonight, let's have a discussion of how this country should look like.

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall"