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Just a newspaper.

Country of the week: North Korea

4 1,226일 15:30 Canada에 게시 Canada

Hello eCanadians! I am starting a series of articles that I hope will last at least a few weeks. It's called, country of the week! Every week or so, I will bring you a random country and tell you about the news of the country. It might help

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Once upon a time...

7 1,226일 06:39 Canada에 게시 Canada

Hello Canada! It's story time!

Once upon a time there were three big and powerful citizens. One was Jacobi, another was Addy, and the third was Irontoader. They all wanted to become the president of their country, but only one could

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The 3 goals!

11 1,225일 07:41 Canada에 게시 Canada

Hello eCanada! I'm here with an article about the three goals. Those goals are:
Special bonus Health
Boost one work session by at least 170%
Eat food in order to recover 500 health, in one single eRepublik day
Have less than 25

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The changes in Raw Materials!

13 1,223일 06:34 Canada에 게시 Canada

Hello Canada! Today I got a message saying:

Plato | 1 hours ago
Dear citizen,

On Day 1,224 of the New World there will be one hour of maintenance, between 0:00 and 1:00 eRepublik Time. During that time, the process of raw … 확장 »

Successful citizens in Canada!*Updated*

45 1,220일 15:56 Canada에 게시 Canada

These are some of the most successful citizens in Canada. These people are people who own multiple companies, parties, military units, and have a lot of experience. The people here have to have a Canadian citizenship too.

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