The 3 goals!

Day 1,225, 07:41 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello eCanada! I'm here with an article about the three goals. Those goals are:
Special bonus Health
Boost one work session by at least 170%
Eat food in order to recover 500 health, in one single eRepublik day
Have less than 25 health

Hit and Go
Defeat 50 opponents
Have 100 health

Special Training
Boost one training session by at least 130%
Be located in an original region of your citizenship country

You can read more about these goals on the wiki page:

These 3 goals will be hard to do because we only have 67 hours left. If you do not have much gold, then it will almost be impossible. The admins have also made a change to the economy so it would be harder to do. It will be more fun that way though. Try your best on these goals because they have amazing rewards. That is all the time I have today, thank you for reading!

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