The changes in Raw Materials!

Day 1,223, 06:34 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello Canada! Today I got a message saying:

Plato | 1 hours ago
Dear citizen,

On Day 1,224 of the New World there will be one hour of maintenance, between 0:00 and 1:00 eRepublik Time. During that time, the process of raw materials' denomination will take place.

•All offers of raw material units will be removed from the marketplace, thus being returned into storage.
•Every current 6 raw material (RM) units from the storage will become 1 new raw material (RM😉 unit (a storage containing 6000 iron and 600 grain will now contain 1000 iron and 100 grain).
•All workers in raw material companies will extract 1 RM* for every 6 RM that they used to extract (production will be changed, not productivity).
•All final goods will consume 1 RM* for every 6 RM that they used to consume.
Best regards,
Your eRepublik Governor
Basically, that is a long-winded way of saying evry 6 raw materials will be worth one raw material. So you can also say that things are going back to normal. Food prices will be back at 0.85 CAD, grain prices will be back at 0.09, people who do not own companies will complain about the economy and people who do own companies will not complain. Also, you may see wages going up too. Because of the change, companies will have to sell at a higher price, which means, more profit. With more profit comes more extra spending money. Some companies will raise the wage of some workers. Than other company owners will be forced to do that, if not, their employees will quit and find a better job. Other than that, companies and citizens will do fine.

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