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cyber ninja for congress in Saskatchewan

5 1,248일 11:02 Canada에 게시 Canada 정치 논쟁 및 분석 정치 논쟁 및 분석

Hello eCanadians! I'm cyber ninja and I am running for congress on April 25. I haven't been in congress before, so I'm really excited to be running. I hope that some other noobies might get into congress too. Here is some info about me:


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When will we get our allies back?

11 1,245일 18:54 Canada에 게시 Canada 전장 분석 전장 분석

Well, when will we get our allies back Jacobi? We use to have over 12, now we have 2. No wonder we're losing to Poland. How about we get some countries from Terra to get us as an ally. This has been going on too long. Why not help Brazil? They need

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Bring it on Poland!

13 1,242일 06:38 Canada에 게시 Canada 전투 명령(BO) 전투 명령(BO)

We will crush your puny army Poland! We shall wipe you off the map! You cannot beat us! Hahaha!

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MU survey

9 1,241일 15:13 Canada에 게시 Canada eRepublik 첫 걸음 eRepublik 첫 걸음

This is a survey to see which Military unit you would be best in. Comment your answers, I'll PM you your test results. You will be fit in either CAF, TCO, HOPE, or Captains of Industry. Here are the questions:

1. Which would you rather be

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We could be watching you.

9 1,240일 06:37 Canada에 게시 Canada

The title is right. Us ninjas could be watching anybody. We could be right behind you. Nobody knows when they will be caught saying something bad. It could be anytime, anyplace. You could join us, we've heard you talking about joining us. We won't

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