We could be watching you.

Day 1,240, 06:37 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

The title is right. Us ninjas could be watching anybody. We could be right behind you. Nobody knows when they will be caught saying something bad. It could be anytime, anyplace. You could join us, we've heard you talking about joining us. We won't tell. 😉 We could be the Canadian Ninja Group! It isn't an official erepublik group until I get enough gold. So you don't have to leave your military unit. I will give you 10 CAD every week. I will also give you 20 CAD as soon as you join. There will also be missions. This is how they work:
1. I PM some Canadianinjas(members of CNG) the mission and donate their supplies.
2. They complete their mission.
3. They Report back to me.
It's easy to join, and it's a free deal! PM me your application.
Here is what you should have on your application:
1. Military Rank
2. Why I should accept
3. A link to your profile

We want you! You could be a ninja. We know you all wanted to be a ninja when you were a kid, so why not become one today. Just think, you could be a eNinja!