cyber ninja for congress in Saskatchewan

Day 1,248, 11:02 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello eCanadians! I'm cyber ninja and I am running for congress on April 25. I haven't been in congress before, so I'm really excited to be running. I hope that some other noobies might get into congress too. Here is some info about me:

I'm originally from eCanada. I'm hoping to start an official Military Unit once I get enough gold, the Canadian Ninja Group. I started erepublik 3 months ago and I want to help eCanada be the best country it can be. I will help to lower the VAT, and I will make sure to stay active. I will do my best to fight in the war against ONE. And I hope to vote in all of the proposals. I'm passionate about making sure you get a say in what eCanada does to. I will also give miving tickets to whoever will vote for me.

Vote for me!