Return of the Dead

Day 1,652, 19:12 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

So ya, im back, at least for a day. Haven't even been keeping track of how long i've been eDead, but i think it was sometime in Feburary.

I was a proud UIPer for over a year, I was the last UIP PP, and later when I joined the Feds after the collapse of the UIP, I was the recruitment director for the month of December-Janurary 2012, the month that we had a growth spurt of over 100 members 😃

Anyway, somewhere around there, I got bored with the game, quit, tried to come back like twice but ended up just getting bored 2 days into it.

Today, I pop onto IRC, just to chat a little, catch up. I look around, and i'm actually fairly impressed.

I remember when I left, the USD exchange rate was stuck around 1k. It is now 2k. Frankly, I was expecting it to be about 500USD worse, but still, not that bad and the economy died a while ago anyway.

The media was back, stuff is getting over 300 votes again, this makes me happy, but not a lot of articles which kinda makes it look like only a few people still care about writing. Idk. We'll see how this article does.

I checked into the new Fed forums and saw a thriving party with job opportunities. Kind of interested in that, but I want to get settled in and decide weather or not I'm staying before I bite.

USWP has about 200 more members than I remember, wtf happened there? XD

SFP is #10 🙁

Pizza still here for some reason, fun fun. Which is his party (before he got banned(again))? Republican or conservative?

Military pretty much the same, I guess i could get back into it if i tried.

Anyway, that's the random thoughts of a returning V2 vet looking in from the front porch of eRepublik, debating weather or not to ring the doorbell and ask admin (or plato or whatever she wantes to call herself) out to prom.

So... what did I miss? party politics? national disasters? national victories? Big stuff happening with Ireland, Canada, or the Kiwis? feed me newzzzz