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Internetional Armenian was made in the betadays as part of a project Internetus Internetian attempted,to create a global Armenian community and to spread the Armenian Cause throughout the world.The purpose of the paper has remained the same,to communicate the Armenian Cause and to bring hyer togeter

Article to eAmerican politicians and party leaders.

3 Giorno 460, 17:45 Pubblicato in USA USA

The Armenian Cause has had postive response from the eAmerican government since the beta days. I would like to see a continuation of this, and hope when eArmenia becomes a country we can have benefitical ties to eAmerica. Therefore, any political

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My platform for Congress in eThailand.

7 Giorno 456, 18:59 Pubblicato in USA USA

I figured I would just write my political platform here, which would make it easy to do, and people can discuss it in the comments part. I understand there are many angry people from this last war. I know there were angry people back during the

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Romania gives warm welcome to Armenian Cause!

0 Giorno 456, 18:08 Pubblicato in USA USA

As always the Armenian Project is glad to have the relations we do with different countries. We are glad to say that Romania has given us warm greetings, and very postive feelings towards our Cause! We would like to thank dsalageanu President of

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All Armenians/Hayer!

2 Giorno 456, 16:16 Pubblicato in USA USA

If you are Armenian join the Armenian Cause and back the Armenian Project. Support the creation of an Armenian State, and an Global Armenian Community! If you have Armenian friends make sure to tell them about this! Please vote this article up so

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3 Giorno 358, 23:02 Pubblicato in USA USA

The Russia revolution is on! Defeat the Quad-Empire! Back Russia. Russia can win this war. Just because two revolutions outside of Russia have been lost, doesnt mean that all the others cant be won. Russia has shown itself to be a well funded

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