Article to eAmerican politicians and party leaders.

Day 460, 17:45 Published in USA Armenia by Internetus Internetian

The Armenian Cause has had postive response from the eAmerican government since the beta days. I would like to see a continuation of this, and hope when eArmenia becomes a country we can have benefitical ties to eAmerica. Therefore, any political party or any other orgnization in the eAmerica that would like to make connection with the eGlobal Armenian Community, and wishes to work with us, please send me a messege. I could send private messeges, but since this paper is based in eAmerica, I thought it would be eaiser to announce this publicy and have interested orginzations, companies, bussinesses, parties, and soforth to contact me. I have enjoyed the connections and work I have had with the eAmerican government, and hope that I will see a continuation of this in the future.