My platform for Congress in eThailand.

Day 456, 18:59 Published in USA Armenia by Internetus Internetian

I figured I would just write my political platform here, which would make it easy to do, and people can discuss it in the comments part. I understand there are many angry people from this last war. I know there were angry people back during the days of Rockman. It seems that there is alot of anger going around in Thailand politics, which seems to be nothing new when you think about it. People are now concerned with security and rightfully so. A major problem in the eEast is security, with Empires roaming around a small state people should be worried with their security. I understand this, and in trying to create an Armenian state since the Beta days of this game, security is something that has occupied my mind on epolitics for a long time. I have worked with countries in the East on building their defenses, and I have worked with revolutionary leaders during this last phase of revolutions that the world has seen. I understand how the eEast can be a very hostile place. I understand how to work with different leaders around the world. I have worked with different mercenary groups(not as a mercenary, but as an agent for finding military personal).

So this is what I want to see:
A reminder, as a party member and congressman I can’t guartee any of this, but I can say if I am voted in, I will try to promote these ideals:

1) Military: I understand how mercenaries and armies work, and I want to up our military. We defiantly need security. Wether that security is domestic, foreign, or private, is up for grabs. In our situation, a combination of all three may be good.

2) Economics- It’s important to have a government that is business friendly. The government should help by helping businesses start up, and keeping industries alive and growing, and aiding in times that certain industries need it.

3)Growth- Keep eThailand the growing international tradehub it is developing into.

4)Diplomacy- Its time to take eThailand from a regional tradehub, and make it an international tradehub, with good relations and pull over the world.

I hope to have your support this upcoming election. Vote for someone with knowledge of eEastern politics, and someone that has dealt with countries leaders and with military defenses and revolutions.


The International Tradehub ideal is a long term goal I hope officials use as a standard mentatilty for eThailand. Many have been talking about not enough labour and struggleing bussineses. I want to make clear that forming a International Tradehub takes both an bussiness friendly government, and a government that can both priotize what it must do and remain friendly to all types of bussineses too at all times. Therefore, at this time I think eThailand has to build up its domestic bussinesses and in addition, must put out incentivies to get labours to move to eThailand. With that in mind, in the future, I think the eThailand government should also, help pay for companies to get an export lincese. In addition, we need to offer help and incentivies to get forgieng companies to invest here. We should want merchants around the entire eworld to be talking to each other about how great, friendly, and secure eThailand is for companies. In addition, eThailand should be interested in ALL bussiness ventures. That means not just the standard erepublik companies of resources and manufanctured goods, but also things like attracting banks, mercernay companies, and other non-standard businesses and enturprises. Why should we only look to the standard companies and not others that could be worth alot of money. In addition, if eThailand becomes known for its good treatment of non-standard companies, we could be an ideal spot for merchants and bussinessmen around the entire eworld who would want to invest and set up their bussinesses in eThailand. Why be purely a country of trading goods? Why not be a country of trading goods around the world, in addition to being a country of banks, and other non-standard erepublik companies?