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[MoFA] Germark and Asgard news

6 Giorno 2,220, 05:32 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Greetings fellow eDanes!

In this article we are going to give a brief update of Germark matters and then give a follow-up on previous [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-leggi di più »

[Gov] Tanks for Danes is a success. Asgard in trouble? [Gov]

24 Giorno 2,214, 07:27 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Greetings eDenmark!

First of all, thanks to all Danes who commented and got their free tanks from [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-tanks-for-danes-beta--2350414/leggi di più »

My first days, Tanks for Danes?

8 Giorno 2,208, 08:17 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Dibattito politico Dibattito politico

Good day, eDenmark!

I have been in eDenmark soon 2 weeks, and slowly been getting the hang of it. I have been getting to know the government … leggi di più »

My new home, eDenmark

18 Giorno 2,198, 11:03 Pubblicato in Denmark Denmark Svago Svago

Dear fellow citizens of eDenmark!

Finally it is true, and I was able to come here!

Who am I

I'm a Finnish player, who has been playing eRep since 2009. … leggi di più »

Jää hyvästi, eSuomi

21 Giorno 2,196, 11:26 Pubblicato in Finland Finland Svago Svago

Hyvä eSuomen kansa ja yhteisö.

Te olette antaneet minulle kaiken, mitä olen halunnut ja minä olen antanut teille kaiken, mitä olen osannut. Olen saanut palvella teitä … leggi di più »