[MoFA] Germark and Asgard news

Day 2,220, 05:32 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Greetings fellow eDanes!

In this article we are going to give a brief update of Germark matters and then give a follow-up on previous article on Asgard.

Remember to participate in Maine Coons fun quiz. Also you can learn some handy short-cuts from Ushlaus article.


Those who have been following the German media might already know that Germark has accepted a treaty with ePoland. This treaty allows ePoland to hold the following regions:

Lower Saxony and Bremen, Thuringia, Saxony, Bavaria, Hesse, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, North Rhine-Westfalia.

On internal level Germark aims to improve coordination and communication between the governments. These are not bad at this moment, but we are looking into more real-time communication between whole governments of eGermany and eDenmark.


After the previous article there has been more information published about the situation in Asgard. Firstly the President of eFinland published his extensive personal thoughts.

Erius makes it clear, that in his opinion Asgard should not disband, nor should eFinland leave Asgard. He agrees that the current situation where alliances are in turmoil, Asgard might need to think about its position. Erius goes in deep depth through three possible scenarios:

1) Asgard aligns with eSerbia

According to Erius, Asgard HQ sees this as the most viable option for Asgard. Asgard would act as a drain for Serbs against ePoland and the Balts. eSerbia would be a strong ally for Asgard, but it could mean leaving old allies like eChina, eUSA and eCroatia behind. On the other hand, eRomania, eGreek, eHungary, eArgentina and eSlovenia could be added instead. In any case, Erius sees this as a radical turn for Asgard in foreign politics.

2) eFinland and ePoland

Disbanding Asgard has been a topic for as long as Asgard has been alive. Even when Erius doesn't see this option wise, he thinks that eFinland might be able to ally with ePoland. eNorway and eSweden would not be accepted because they have too much resources that the Balts want. eEstonia is also weak enough to be, if necessary, silenced by other Balts.

However Erius sees more bad sides in this. In short, there would be more enemies all around, and eFinland would be in non-stop fear of invasion from all sides.

3) Asgard and ePoland

This scenario is the wildest one. According to Erius, Asgard HQ has been pondering whether Asgard along eRussia could attract ePoland. This scenario would result in eFinland having only allies around themselves, and no way to fight with NE. While this would be safe, it would be boring and not generate TP medals. This scenario might also mean, that Asgard could seek regions from Germark.

In Germarks eyes solution 1 would be most friendly and solution 3 most hostile. We have had a common enemy before, so currently we are neutral. While it seems unlikely that Asgard would invade Germark, this should not be totally ignored. Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to follow the development.

Asgard HQ

Asgard published an official article which is in English, so you can read it through yourselves. Most interesting thing in the article is that Asgard returns to "democratic" leadership, where Supreme Commander has no special power over HQ.

Poll about alliances in eFinland

In less official publication PikkuMasa held a poll with the following questions

1. Should eFinland switch alliance if TWO collapses, if the bigger players would take us into their alliance?

A ) Yes (12)
B ) No (4)

2. Should eFinland go into the new alliance along eSweden and eNorway (Asgard), or alone?

A ) Along Asgard (13)
B ) Alone (3)

3. If eSweden and eNorway are not let into the new alliance, should eFinland go in alone, as in abandon Asgard?

A ) Yes (10)
B ) No (3)

4. Should eFinland stay separated and act as an assistant to a bigger alliance?

A ) Yes (4)
B ) No (11)

5. Who would you like to ally with?

A ) Polish alliance (2)
B ) Serbian alliance ( 8 )
C ) Continue in Asgard (3)*
D ) No alliance
E ) Something else

The results were added for this article.

Analysis of these results is not very reliable, because the poll is based of too little information, has very small participation, and includes some troll-answers. Some also answered several options. * on 5 C means that it was often answered along A or B.

However, for fun we can analyze this poll. eFinns would like to change alliance if TWO fails, and would like to align whole Asgard with eSerbia, but if eSweden and eNorway wouldn't be accepted, they would want eFinland to proceed alone. They do not want eFinland to become an assistant to bigger alliance.

Thank you for reading!