My new home, eDenmark

Day 2,198, 11:03 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Dear fellow citizens of eDenmark!

Finally it is true, and I was able to come here!

Who am I

I'm a Finnish player, who has been playing eRep since 2009. During my years in eFinland I've been this and that, but most notably I was the president in 2012 and Supreme Commander of Asgard for two times in 2013. Before those I was mainly a congressman. I am also a Mentor in eFinland (I won't be meddling with danish newbies).

I was born in 1987 in Oulu and I've graduated as Bachelor of Law and Administration in Oulu UNiversity of Applied Sciences, and currently studying the last courses for MBA in (super)accounting in Oulu Business School.

As my avatar and all other stuff suggests, I'm pretty big Dr Who fan (a Whovian), but in the past I've used Metal Gear Solid theme also, because for me Big Boss and Snake are truly remarkable fictional characters.

Why eDenmark?

After giving all I could for the community of eFinland, I felt that I was maybe becoming that dinosaur who stands in the way of the new era. eFinland has seen two treasury thefts and a dictator, and there is a growing number of players who accept those things - and I don't.

But of course that is not the main reason. It is ones responsibility to keep on fighting, because that is the greater good. Main reason for my departure was that I felt that I had done my part.

I have felt this way for a long time now, but before I got to know Maine Coon and through her the mentality of the Danish, I didn't know what to do. I had kept supporting the candidates I knew were right for eFinland, and in vain. Finnish people chose a guy I knew was incompetent - and he stole the treasury. He went as far as thanking me for supporting the other candidate, because it gave more votes for him.

Not too long ago, while I was in Asgard HQ, I helped to organize a joint effort between Asgard and eDenmark against our common enemy, eRomania, and it succeeded nicely. I had talked with Maine Coon before that event also, and we had discussed about me coming to eDenmark. In the end it took several months because eDenmark was without congress and I was tied to Finnish congress and/or Asgard HQ. I wanted to be independent of those positions when I came here.

New soil - eDenmark!

How long will I stay?

This is not a trip or excursion. This is permanent. No Finn believes that, but I have no intention of going back. I saw new players in their congress, and I am certain they will be capable of replacing old ones like me.

So this is going to be a long process. I am not here to take anything over. I will not intervene politics unless it's required by the government. I am interested in starting from the low levels of politics, and slowly, with time, rise the ladders and learn the Danish Way. I will do - like I did in eFinland - all in my power to help eDenmark in all levels.

The Start

Now at the beginning I will start writing to media. I can't promise how often, but I will. I will interview prominent people in eDenmark and maybe Germark in general, and stuff like that. I will also try to get to know Danish people and find a party.

I will discuss with the congress and the government about their plans considering me. It is a fact that I am an experienced politician on national and alliance levels, so I can be of use. If they feel that there should be a period of non-political activity, I agree to that. I don't mind for the common "3 month rule" which means 3 months of no activity in politics.

If they see no reason for that, I think I'd like to start from party-level, if there's something I can help with. Even act as a PR-person for the party.


I thank the danish congressmen from the bottom of my heart for trusting me and letting me come here. I expect hard work from my part and I hope that it will please you.

Please,if you are eDanish, add me as a friend!

Well that was a long article