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Founded in 2008 in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Seeking the Holy Grail is a long running relic in publishing. It's a magazine that covers mostly the topic of history, and seconds as a political insider.

Platform for Soverienty of North Korea

15 Nap 1,316, 13:04 Megjelenés helye: North Korea North Korea Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Once again liberation becomes of us, how long? Well only the test of time will tell. Could it be possible China will recognize our well deserved sovereignty and existence, or will they retaliate, regaining control over Hwangae, the only region we

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4 Nap 1,255, 15:12 Megjelenés helye: North Korea North Korea Pénzügy és kereskedelem Pénzügy és kereskedelem


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(Cobgress) Vote "YES" for Iron Tax Change

3 Nap 1,255, 12:54 Megjelenés helye: North Korea North Korea Pénzügy és kereskedelem Pénzügy és kereskedelem

The next step for the National Revenue Act includes the already pending tax change on Moving Tickets and the new published tax change on Iron, North Korea's most valuable resource. Regard the tax change on grain, it is not affiliated.
This current

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(economy) TheNext Step

6 Nap 1,248, 11:10 Megjelenés helye: North Korea North Korea Pénzügy és kereskedelem Pénzügy és kereskedelem

The National Revenue Act has so far since it has been passed vastly increased our national revenue as promised, well after this next election we must move it to the next step, which is increasing the income tax on our natural resources like Iron &

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(V+S) A growing issue to security

2 Nap 1,234, 14:21 Megjelenés helye: North Korea North Korea

Today North Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, hundreds are flocking to this great land seeking economic and political opportunity, which helps grow our economy. However this could also be a threat to our well being, because

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