Platform for Soverienty of North Korea

Day 1,316, 13:04 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Once again liberation becomes of us, how long? Well only the test of time will tell. Could it be possible China will recognize our well deserved sovereignty and existence, or will they retaliate, regaining control over Hwangae, the only region we currently hold as our own. We do not have answers to these questions, but there are many things we must now answer for ourselves. Who will step up active leadership, which party will take control over the government, and what will our government do to improve the still failing, yet improving economy? Well I know for a fact we were making a lot of progress economically before the Chinese occupation. I myself, with the help of a bipartisan legislature have passed numerous tax reforms giving our once starved government life giving revenue. I know we can't just literally pick up where we left off, but we will have to try. These laws can not take full effect unless companies set up shop in North Korea once more. We need to reach this goal to survive, we must have a self sufficient economy and market to have a chance of surviving.
As for defense, it doesn't take a genius to realize we are decades away from having a competent, organized state military, but North Korea has a continuously running defense corp made up of nationals such as myself called the Korean Guard. Its mission is simple, we are the people who raise money to fund and organize resistance movement, and reestablish a functioning government after liberation. We are dedicated, but we realize we do not have the ability to organize an army with what little resources we have. So what we will do is seek diplomacy. Diplomacy is the only way we can positively communicate with our foes and neighbors. We need MPPs, and a non-aggression pact with China, this is paramount. I myself will look into these options myself, and will discuss them with my colleagues. We have had success in the past, what makes this run any different?
But first we must concentrate on our interior and government. I and the Korean Worker's Party are working hard to provide a stable, function government without corruption. But in order for this to happen, we need YOU to give our candidates your vote this coming, and all following elections. The presidential run is coming up, remember to VOTE STRASSER for president of North Korea. With his office, we can get a jump start to rebuilding, with congress we can really get to work by establishing government ministries, foreign embassies, and comprehensive reforms.

Vote Strasser for President

This message provided for by the North Korean Guard & Worker's Party of Korea (2008-2011).