(Cobgress) Vote "YES" for Iron Tax Change

Day 1,255, 12:54 Published in North Korea Ireland by OogieBoogie3

The next step for the National Revenue Act includes the already pending tax change on Moving Tickets and the new published tax change on Iron, North Korea's most valuable resource. Regard the tax change on grain, it is not affiliated.
This current expansion is raising the Income tax on Iron to 25% and the Import to to a respectable 20%. This is like adding yet another turbo charger to our economy, it will create a waterfall of national revenue into our treasury, add to that Kim Young's new tax on moving tickets and you've got a huge step forwards. These very reforms are pulling our economy out of recession, in fact in about a year of further tax expansion, we may be well beyond a surplus. For those of you who have noticed, month by month since the first reform under the National Revenue Act, each issue of money into the reserve bank as gotten larger and large, this s directly related to the fact that we have far more annual revenue under these current tax models, progress has been made, and things will only get brighter.
Once we have sufficient funds in our treasury, we will work on building a hospital in our most populous region to help boost battle training and experience, just note that all of these future plans are going to be coming from the tax raises, so don't deter your way from voting in favor of these reforms, you'll barely notice the impact on your personal lives, however you'll easily see if you haven't already what good it is doing for our vastly recovering economy.

Thank You