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This is the Personal Newspaper of Kevy Shabado. The main series of article in this newspaper is to do with Population Statistics. I gather the population of each country currrently every 2 weeks and compare determining a winner and loser. I sometimes write other articles. too. :)

Population Statistics 21st Feb - 1 year of articles!

46 Nap 1,189, 17:22 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Edit: Tell me in the comments if you can remember when you started reading this article series! 😃

Hello and welcome back to Population statistics. This … több »

Population Statistics 13th February - I'm back...again.

33 Nap 1,181, 17:49 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello and welcome back to Population statistics. I am back to writing these after my unsuccessful attempt of becoming prime minister of the UK. I hope third time … több »

[Kevy] Summary of my campaign.

12 Nap 1,172, 19:24 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Population Stats readers. If I win the election I will be releasing a population stats article on the 6th! So international viewers please vote this up if you want to see population statistics. 😛

[img]http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/[/img] … több »

[Kevy] The part about Domestics.

10 Nap 1,171, 16:34 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello eUK.

I’d like to start of with a few thank yous. First of all thank you British Democratic Party and United British Democrats for supporting my campaign. … több »

[Kevy] The man with the (Economic) plan

15 Nap 1,169, 17:37 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

(will be adding other images later)

Hello eUK.

This is my Economic Manifesto. If you have been fluent in erepublik changes then you’ll know that the economy … több »