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This is the Personal Newspaper of Kevy Shabado. The main series of article in this newspaper is to do with Population Statistics. I gather the population of each country currrently every 2 weeks and compare determining a winner and loser. I sometimes write other articles. too. :)

[Kevy] The long awaited Military/Foreign Affairs Manifesto.

20 Nap 1,109, 17:48 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello eUK.

Before I get into my Military Manifeso. I want to remind you to read my previous manifestos. It has become apparent that some people commenting on my latest articles haven't actually read them at all. Please don't judge until you've

több »

[Kevy] Economics + Cabinet applications

17 Nap 1,107, 15:09 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hello eUK.

Before I get into the nitty gritty of my Economics platform for the next month if I win the election I must remind you to follow MoD orders and get our country back! At the time of writing the priority battle in the UK is South East of

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[Kevy] The Domestic bit.

21 Nap 1,105, 11:57 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Good evening UK. As I promised in my previous manifesto today is the day for Domestics. As current Minister of Home affairs this is probably my strength and therefore meaning this manifesto will be tl;dr with a wealth of Knowledge. I hope you have

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[Kevy] A Challenger appears. FIGHT IN LONDON!

37 Nap 1,103, 11:06 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Small Edit; Fight with all you've got here! http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/2371

Request supplys on #savelondon on irc.rizon.net! 🙂

International viewers; This is not a population statistics article. I’m sorry. több »

Population Statistics 7th November - Brazil can into Spain.

41 Nap 1,084, 05:53 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom

Before I start; I apologize for the 1 day delay. I was busy with other stuff. I’m now Deputy Prime Minister + Minister of Home Affairs in the eUK you see! 😛

I … több »