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This is the Personal Newspaper of Kevy Shabado. The main series of article in this newspaper is to do with Population Statistics. I gather the population of each country currrently every 2 weeks and compare determining a winner and loser. I sometimes write other articles. too. :)

Population Statistics 5th May. A lot can happen in a year.

44 Nap 1,993, 05:34 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

Hello eRepublik. It’s been a while hasn’t it? Almost 1 year has passed since my last article. I apologise for leaving so suddenly, it’s just that these articles take a lot of time to write and I’ve been very busy as of late. I decided that since it

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Population Statistics 7th May - I'm back again.

37 Nap 1,630, 13:18 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Hadügyi elemzések Hadügyi elemzések

Hello there eWorld. It’s been a while since I wrote one of these. I’m sorry for leaving you without a population statistics article in 9 months. I hope you enjoy this one though.


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Victory. \o/

24 Nap 1,386, 06:26 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Hello eUK.

This is going to be a small article today. Look out for my first report later tonight. 🙂

So yeah..I won the elections. I wanted to do a list of people that I needed to … több »

Military and Foreign Affairs: Making friends and having fun.

12 Nap 1,384, 20:24 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Hello eUK.

Welcome to my Military and Foreign Affairs manifesto. This manifesto will outline what our allies feel about us and how we can try to improve our relations with them. I’ve … több »

Economics: Schemes and other things.

17 Nap 1,383, 18:28 Megjelenés helye: United Kingdom United Kingdom Politikai viták és elemzések Politikai viták és elemzések

Hello eUK.

Welcome to my Economics Manifesto. Like one of my opponents I’m going to try and keep this short. I don’t have control over what happens wide scale (as that is the admins … több »