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It's never too late for now!

See you next fall

5 Dan 1,845, 18:20 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Mr Donovan was up to his old tricks this week as he once more found himself in a very compromising and embarrassing position.

It all started as Ronan was about to make his way home from work. He strolled merrily down the street without a care in

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Donovan suffers further embarrassment!

10 Dan 1,788, 16:05 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

Funny news from Gazette headquarters this week as Ronan Donovan found himself at the centre of yet another scandalous misdemeanour!

It all started out quiet enough with very little prospect of the day being anymore than a normal run of the mill

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Long Time no see

9 Dan 1,745, 10:36 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

The Evening Gazette has been similar to a ghost town of late. There has been very little activity and very little has been heard or seen from this illustrious paper for too long now. We haven't published an article for nigh on half a year.


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Thoughts for Wednesday

2 Dan 1,569, 03:53 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

1 Those who do not learn the lessons of history are bound to repeat them.

2 Eagles may soar...but weasels don't get sucked into … čitaj više »

Tuesday's Thoughts of the day!

3 Dan 1,568, 06:12 Objavljeno u Ireland Ireland Društvene aktivnosti i zabava Društvene aktivnosti i zabava

1 Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem,first make sure you are not just surrounded by assholes.

2 Earth … čitaj više »