Donovan suffers further embarrassment!

Day 1,788, 16:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronan Donovan

Funny news from Gazette headquarters this week as Ronan Donovan found himself at the centre of yet another scandalous misdemeanour!

It all started out quiet enough with very little prospect of the day being anymore than a normal run of the mill shift at the office.

The office is generally akin to a ghost town as the staff prefer to work at home rather than face the ignominy and shame of working in such an uninspiring, inept and far from respectable environment.

When they do get into the office, very little work is actually completed as the newspaper only publishes one measly article every few months which leaves very little work to be done for the 25 strong staff.

This humorous, yet embarrassing event occurred on the morning of Friday last as Ronan was about to return to his office after an extended lunch break.

As he departed from the bathroom stalls, he quickly flushed the toilet, washed his hands and pushed his way out of the restroom, unaware of any of the problems that lay in store for him in the ensuing moments. In fact he was blissfully ignorant of the fact that he had already set in motion the beginning of his own downfall.

Due to the fact that the office generally tends to be almost void of fellow workers, Ronan had recently taken to the habit of walking around the office without any pants on. While this is a strange practice for the editor of a top newspaper, usually Ronan was able to get away with this behaviour. Unfortunately, this day was slightly different and this habit was soon to prove his undoing.

As he walked out into the main office space, Ronan was still unsuspecting of the doom which was in store for him. It was quiet and nobody seemed to be around. Ronan proceeded slowly towards the front door only to leap backwards with a start! To his utter dismay, all 25 of his employees were outside just about to make their way into the building. As they saw Ronan, they slowly began to laugh and mock him. Some even began to film him and threw several insults in his direction.

Embarrassed by this, Ronan rushed back inside and made a run for his office. But, his staff were persistent and followed him in to add to the misery.

They were ridiculing him and proceeded to point in the direction of his underwear while laughing uncontrollably. Ronan found this peculiar but still he looked down to see what was so funny. At first he wondered how he had brown underwear when he had put on a red pair that morning.

However, soon he realised the full extent of the situation. When he went to the bathroom, he had forgotten to pull down his underwear and he had consequently managed to soil himself. If this were not bad enough, he had then walked out with no pants on just as his employees arrived for the monthly staff meeting.

Now to make matters worse, they all had it on film and it would be on youtube within minutes. Ronan had many embarrassments before but this was just bizarre and beyond ridiculous.

But, as the dust settles on this ridiculous event, Ronan's credibility has only suffered yet another blow which surely he cannot recover from.

All Ronan can do now is hope for the best. In the meantime he should just learn the following lessons: Firstly, always wear pants at work. And of course remember to pull down your underwear when you sit on the damn toilet!