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The Official Voice of eHungary.
You may contact us at #hu.mofa on Rizon.
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Treaty between eUkraine and eHungary about Podolia

45 989 jour, 12:23 Published in Ukraine Ukraine

Treaty between eUkraine and eHungary in the subject of liberating and usage of the eUkranian region of Podolia

1.a Both the eUkrainian and eHungarian parties, represented by the duly elected presidents of respective countries, acknowledge that

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Treaty between eFrance and eHungary about Rhone Alps

16 986 jour, 13:19 Published in Hungary Hungary

Treaty between eFrance and eHungary, concerning the transfer of the region Rhone-Alps to eFrance

1.a Both the eFrench and eHungarian parties acknowledge the sovereignty of eFrance above the region of Rhone-Alps, now under eHungarian

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eHungary needs your help

22 975 jour, 02:04 Published in Argentina Argentina

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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eHungary needs your help

19 975 jour, 02:04 Published in Slovenia Slovenia

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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eHungary needs your help

17 975 jour, 02:03 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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