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The Official Voice of eHungary.
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[Hungary] It is time to say 'Thank you'

25 991 jour, 03:45 Published in Turkey Turkey

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we had an important battle against Romania for the famous high iron region, Podolia. With your help we gained a glorious victory, and Hungary has after 4 months a high iron again. Therefore we must say thanks, we
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[Hungary] It is time to say 'Thank you'

6 991 jour, 03:44 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we had an important battle against Romania for the famous high iron region, Podolia. With your help we gained a glorious victory, and Hungary has after 4 months a high iron again. Therefore we must say thanks, we
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[Hungary] It is time to say 'Thank you'

35 991 jour, 03:42 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we had an important battle against Romania for the famous high iron region, Podolia. With your help we gained a glorious victory, and Hungary has after 4 months a high iron again. Therefore we must say thanks, we
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[Hungary] It is time to say 'Thank you'

16 991 jour, 03:41 Published in Russia Russia

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we had an important battle against Romania for the famous high iron region, Podolia. With your help we gained a glorious victory, and Hungary has after 4 months a high iron again. Therefore we must say thanks, we
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[Hungary] It is time to say 'Thank you'

22 991 jour, 03:39 Published in Serbia Serbia

Dear Friends,

Yesterday we had an important battle against Romania for the famous high iron region, Podolia. With your help we gained a glorious victory, and Hungary has after 4 months a high iron again. Therefore we must say thanks, we
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