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The Official Voice of eHungary.
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eHungary needs your help

19 975 jour, 02:01 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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eHungary needs your help

8 975 jour, 02:00 Published in Brazil Brazil

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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eHungary needs your help

7 975 jour, 02:00 Published in Russia Russia

Dear Friends!

Today eHungary has an important battle against eCroatia. I kindly ask you to help us!

Join to this epic battle of Central Croatia! We hope together we can defeat our enemies! See u on the battlefield! The battle ends
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[eHungary] Official Cabinet of Lisztes

9 963 jour, 06:14 Published in Serbia Serbia

Voice of eHungary
Official Bulletin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of eHungary
06:15 server time, day 963

Dear citizens!

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Why eHungary voted NO to the eFrench membership in PHOENIX?

118 962 jour, 13:32 Published in France France

The goal of the present paper is to make it clear, why did Hungary vote against the French joining to PHOENIX. As this voting means a veto, France does not become a PHX member at the moment. This paper has been written by lisztes, President of

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