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Welcome to 'The Political Provocateur,' where every headline sparks debate and challenges the norm. In this digital realm of eRepublik, we delve into the heart of eUK politics, confronting issues head-on and pushing the boundaries of discourse.

[Congress] Urgent Speaker's Report

100 2,767 jour, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Urgent Speaker’s Report: Proposed Suspension of a Congress Member

Under the provisions of the recently passed Congressional Procedure Act, Congress members have the ability to petition the Speaker and ask that another member be … en savoir plus »

The #eUK IRC Adventures of one Ajay Bruno

21 2,755 jour, 17:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Context: Last night someone tried to impersonate Rodney at the Congress IRC meeting. I banned the IP, and then tonight King Will logged on to #euk and complained he couldn't access the Congress IRC channel. We unbanned the IP that had … en savoir plus »

[MoF] Report from a TRAITOR, on the state of our finances

24 2,707 jour, 15:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

Uh, hi. So I’ve been working as MoF since Max was impeached by the dictator; and I can now give you all an update on all the MASSIVE DAMAGE that I have done, because now MEK have f*cked
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[eUK] Referendum on Democracy/Dictatorship

27 2,700 jour, 03:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Okay guys it's time for the long awaited referendum on whether to have an eUK Dictator or have Democracy.

So just comment below with your choice and we'll get a result.

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eUK, waht r u doin

4 2,686 jour, 15:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

As a general rule of thumb guys....

If Goku, Dapper and BigAnt are in favour of it...


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