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Welcome to 'The Political Provocateur,' where every headline sparks debate and challenges the norm. In this digital realm of eRepublik, we delve into the heart of eUK politics, confronting issues head-on and pushing the boundaries of discourse.

[UKRP] votegarthyouslags

16 2,844 jour, 13:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Yiss thats right y'all, I is running for CP this month. I am the best candidate for the following reasons:

1. Real successful 6th term as Royal Minister for Glorious Praise and Appreciation of en savoir plus »

[Congress] Update 1- Blacklist Act Repealed + CS Committee Election

23 2,840 jour, 11:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Speaker of Congress here with the first update of the new Congress, following the conclusion of the first vote of the term, which we’ll look at first.

As a lot of you will know, ESO’s
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[UKRP] Reforming Government ~ My Ideas

32 2,835 jour, 09:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Bit of a srs bsns article today. As a lot of you will know, for the past four months I’ve been on a bit of a crusade to
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What's going on in.... the eUK Congress

14 2,830 jour, 02:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


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8 2,803 jour, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Yesssssssssssss its that time again when the eUK has a congress election. This one is particularly special for two reasons:

1. It's the first one since May due to evil Argentinian Junta
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