[Congress] Urgent Speaker's Report

Day 2,767, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Addaway

Urgent Speaker’s Report: Proposed Suspension of a Congress Member

Under the provisions of the recently passed Congressional Procedure Act, Congress members have the ability to petition the Speaker and ask that another member be suspended from the house for the remainder of the term. A request of this nature requires 33% of congress to sponsor it, and a 24hour vote to be taken, with 66%+1 required to pass.

This evening I received one such proposal from CrispyDragon:

“Hi, I would petition the Speaker to consider a proposal to remove King William the Great from Congress. As the Speaker may, or may not be aware during the recent PP Elections King William the Great was offering cash incentives to secure an unfair advantage in the election. Through such actions he acquired the PP Role and has subsequently excluded the 47% of the UKPP Electorate that voted against him from any and all Party business, or participation.

Due to the above two reasons I deem King William a threat to the UK Populace as he will have an unbalanced amount of influence on current and future UKPP Congressmen. Further to that, by refusing to acknowledge the 47% of UKPP he is not acting in the interest of UK Citizens, overstepping his mandate and again leading to disproportionate influence on the house.
In the interests of the excluded 47% and the UK Populace on the whole I beseech the Speaker and members of Congress to act valiantly to remove this threat to our sovereignty and integrity.”

To avoid putting this into the already clogged up congress PMs (which will be refreshed tomorrow), I am going to invite congress members to indicate whether they would like to sponsor this in the comments below. 12 more sponsors are needed to have this go to vote.



Current Sponsors:

Aaron Mark Daniels,
Colin Brown,
Rob the Bruce,
Pannonian Nomad,
Max Blue,
Proposed by CrispyDragon

With 33% of congress sponsored, a 24hr vote is now open.