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Weapon Q1 = 0,03 Best Price in the World

3 2,515 jour, 11:26 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Weapon Q1 = 0,03

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[Juve Leo] Interview with darsdm

8 2,512 jour, 09:25 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Today I publish a very special interview because is with the man that gave me Nigerian citizenship.
Thank you darsdm.

darsdm is Ministry of Interior of our Government and is Vice President of our … en savoir plus »

Congratulations from Nigeria Government to new Portuguese CP Alvaro Cunhal

17 2,512 jour, 06:21 Published in Portugal Portugal Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik


The new vice Ministry of Interior of Nigeria JuveLeo congratulate the new CP of Portugal Alvaro Cunhal.

I´m sure both country will work together to increase our political, economical and militar relations.

Tradução em Português

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[ThePTOerFlame] - Candidatura a PP do Sucker Punch Army

77 2,511 jour, 16:14 Published in Portugal Portugal Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik


Este artigo serve o propósito de apresentar a minha tentativa de PTO do Sucker Punch Army para transformar em Partido Democrático.

Para … en savoir plus »

[Juve Leo] Interview with dsturzoiu

13 2,507 jour, 13:54 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Are you Nigerian Real Life?
No. I am Romanian RL.

Why you are Nigerian in erepublik?
I am Nigerian in-game because I was selected to be when this beautiful country came up on the map

[ … en savoir plus »