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K1tho - Nigerian? Greeke?

30 2,527 jour, 12:04 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Dia 2,505, 11:13 our CP K1tho says he is Greek

Are you Nigerian Ral Life?
No I am Greek

Dia 2,527, 09:27 our CP K1tho says:
I am sorry but i am not Greek Juve 😉


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[ANPP] greece 86 - NIGERIA 2 And now CP K1tho?

7 2,527 jour, 09:13 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik


What are you doing to have our 6 regions back?


President of [url= savoir plus »

[ANPP] TheOmega1 is our first candidate to Congress

9 2,526 jour, 15:27 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear Nigerians,

If our Government make is work and we have elections for Congress next day 25 October 2014 the first candidate in ANPP will be TheOmega1.

TheOmega1 is our member that shows

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All Nigeria Peoples Party - Constitution and Cabinet

57 2,526 jour, 11:57 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Clause one - Name

1. The party shall be formally known as ‘All Nigeria Peoples Party’.
1.1. The party abbreviation shall be ‘ANPP’
2. The party name must be used only for official documentation and … en savoir plus »

Come to Nigeria

16 2,524 jour, 03:20 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

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