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[JuveLeo] Interview with K1tho

4 2,505 jour, 11:13 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Are you Nigerian Ral Life?
No I am Greek

Why you are Nigerian in erepublik?
Because I wanted to make a new start in a new country, knowing new people.

What do you expect from Nigeria?
To all have fun!

What do you think we all Nigerians

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Nigerian Military Force recruta em Portugal

41 2,502 jour, 15:41 Published in Portugal Portugal Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Saudações a todos,

A Nigerian Military Force esta a recrutar em Portugal.

Não será colocada qualquer restrição de acesso, seja por limite de força, seja por divisão.

Posto isto,

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Juve Leo elected Congressman in Nigeria

21 2,502 jour, 06:42 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

Today I have the honour of beiing elected Congressman in my new country Nigeria.

I will work hard all month to be helpful to my country and to all Nigerians.

The 5 gold I received for this … en savoir plus »

Vote eNigerian Democratic Party

0 2,501 jour, 02:05 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Today we have elections for the Congress.
As Spokesman of eNigerian Democratic Party I call every Nigerian to vote in eNigerian Democratic Party.

I'm sure that all the Congressman elected by … en savoir plus »

Interview with PP of Nigeria Arise, UrosDjeneral

33 2,496 jour, 23:13 Published in Nigeria Nigeria Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

I think that if we all know each other opinions is the best way to make a better Nigeria with all participating.

Today I interview UrosDjeneral, the PP of Nigeria Arise.

Are you Nigerian Rl?
No, i am RL Serbian.

Why you are Nigerian in

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