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[Frix4PP] Last Push, Gonna lose :D

0 2,612 jour, 08:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

So, tomorrow is the PP elections. I'm … en savoir plus »


12 2,609 jour, 09:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques


Would you look at that, us … en savoir plus »

PCP Elections. vote for frix!

2 2,608 jour, 06:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

With the party elections nearing ever closer, many party members and current Presidents start campaigning.

I'm going to add to that organised mess.

Voting for me, Frixios, will insure a fun time with me manning the helm at PCP. Yes, I know I

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3 2,607 jour, 10:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Analyse de guerre Analyse de guerre

I see, that our fine leader, o7, is putting through an airstrike on Brazil, through congress...

I don't know why but the fact we are sticking our virtual fingers up their virtual coconut asses, seems fun.

I mean i don't know if we will do

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Advice? Young? Just ask me!

5 2,606 jour, 09:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Premiers pas dans eRepublik Premiers pas dans eRepublik

So, me being a "nice" guy and all, I thought HUZZAH I shall help my younger compatriots. So if any of you guys want advice or food or weapons... Just ask. But yano.

I shall be like your mother duckling guiding you towards a better future... Or

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