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[Frix4SupremeOverlord] The Beginning of The Campaign

6 2,702 jour, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Hello, you not so fine people.

So as most of you know, some peeps from some ePlace have come and done a wee MTO.
Naht. Okay.

I mean as much as i love dictators, a dictator from another eCountry... God Forbid.

This is why I believe a new

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7 2,663 jour, 08:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I think that we should all send monies to me so i can be'z dictators, of ukkk,

seez matez, i haz a visions that ukz can be'z a empirez if we'z declare war'z on everyone.


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0 2,641 jour, 12:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

I am saying for you PCP ship mates to vote for me. So we can be the P.P.C.P, in other words, the Peoples Pirate Communist Party.

and i have heard from a source know to be neither reliable or unreliable that i am a helluva catch for a party soon

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The Pirate Cat

2 2,640 jour, 04:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Yarr. Landlubbers. So me ski cat is on fire. So me crew are staging a mutiny. Yarr. So I'm the captain now. Yarr.

Me ship is the U.S.S.Y.A.R.R
I name the cat: thanopopopopoulus.

We stole a crap ton of bananas from this yellow plane... Idk

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Ahoyyyy. Pirates. Competitions...

6 2,637 jour, 05:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Ahoy Thar Me Hearties!

Yes! incase you landlubbers didn't know, I'm a pirate. A ski pirate. So last week i had a period of inactivity due to going on a mission with my crew in France, specifically Alpe d'Huez. Anyhow, in France i mugged a few of

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