[Frix4SupremeOverlord] The Beginning of The Campaign

Day 2,702, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

Hello, you not so fine people.

So as most of you know, some peeps from some ePlace have come and done a wee MTO.
Naht. Okay.

I mean as much as i love dictators, a dictator from another eCountry... God Forbid.

This is why I believe a new dictator, fresh blood you could say, should be installed. Who?, I hear you scrubs ask.

The answer is plain and simple.

The revolution begins now (not really.)
If any of you wish to join said campaign PM me. I will tell you your role.

Why me? i hear you also ask.

Well, i unlike some people... I have morales and also aint been corrupted just yet. And i can also lead the country onwards. Me, I, also believe Frix The 1st of the eUK is a great person. And also i can make us like an eCool Place.

eSupport eME

Yours Truly,

Your Future Dictator and Dear Leader,

Frix the 1st