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[Enigma News]: Possible battle tactics in V2 [Serbia]

2 1,000 jour, 07:15 Published in Serbia Serbia

Not all things about V2 are bad. Especially new military module made it possible to use more tactics than ever before.

As we all know, through whole history battles and wars have been fought. In many great battles the tactics have … en savoir plus »

[Enigma News]: Possible battle tactics in V2 [Turkey]

12 1,000 jour, 07:12 Published in Turkey Turkey

Hello Turkey!

I'm new/old ambassador of eSlovenia in eTurkey!
Last month i wasn't ambassador here, because of vacations and because our goverment canceled embassy here.
This time i'm writing to inform you how you could battle in V2. There have

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[Enigma News]: Possible battle tactics in V2 [Russia]

12 1,000 jour, 07:06 Published in Russia Russia

Not all things about V2 are bad. Especially new military module made it possible to use more tactics than ever before.

As we all know, through whole history battles and wars have been fought. In many great battles the tactics have … en savoir plus »

[Enigma News]: Possible battle tactics in V2

5 998 jour, 14:29 Published in Brazil Brazil

Not all things about V2 are bad. Especially new military module made it possible to use more tactics than ever before.

As we all know, through whole history battles and wars have been fought. In many great battles the tactics have … en savoir plus »

[Enigma Novice]: Taktike v V2

18 997 jour, 12:18 Published in Slovenia Slovenia

Z malo zamude zaradi težav z objavljanjem slik objavljam članek, v katerem bom opisal nekaj možnih taktik bojevanja v novi verziji eRepublika.

Kot vemo, so se skozi celotno zgodovino bile velike bitke in vojne. V veliko bitkah je odloč … en savoir plus »