[Enigma News]: Possible battle tactics in V2 [Russia]

Day 1,000, 07:06 Published in Russia Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho

Not all things about V2 are bad. Especially new military module made it possible to use more tactics than ever before.

As we all know, through whole history battles and wars have been fought. In many great battles the tactics have decided the fate, sometimes even a army with less soldiers defeated bigger army with a help of excelent tactics. Real masters of tactics were Romans, which also have "copyrights" for most of tactics described in this article.
Most of these tactics can not be put as offensive or defensive only, it depends on who is using them, you or the opponent. I arranged them as i thought they should be.

Defensive tactics:

Wall - Along whole deploy zone of enemy, players are set so they prevent eventual pushing. In front there must be stronger players (or you can use Overkill tactic).

Least players to use this tactic: 20 (map is composed of 20x20 hexes)

Offensive tactics:

Edge - This tactic is mostly used to destroy the Wall. It works like this: stronger or braver player(s) attack opponent's Wall (from deploy zone) and "kill" it on one side, to help other, weaker players to push. Moving in this formations or taking hexes from opponent goes in combination 1-2-3, etc. depends on lenght of Edge. Lenght isn't limited, but the Edge is with each new step forward a little wider.

Least players to use this formation: 6 (basic)

Testudo - Developed and used by Romans. This tactic is defensive/offensive, because with it we protect weaker players, which in certain moment break formation and start taking hexes. It is mostly used at the end of battles, when it's important to take as many hexes as possible.
It works like this: players for a square or rectangle, stronger players are on the outer side, weaker ones are in middle of formation. When we break on enemy territory, formation falls appart enabling the center (best would be made of helicopters) to take hexes.

Testudo in Roman times.

Least players to use this formation: 9 ("square" 3x3 hexes)

Overkill - This tactic is simple. Put as many players possible on a map, if possible near enemies deploy zone (to prevent them from taking hexes). There must be enough players, that even at stronger push of enemy and "death" of many players, there are enough players on one hex to prevent enemy from pushing more. This tactic was used by Russians in battles against Norwegians and a little weaker version of it in battles for USA.

How Russian attack looked.

Least players to use this tactic: tactic needs as many players possible

Encirclement - This tactic, just like Edge, is used to destroy Wall and massive killing. Stronger players penetrate the Wall (if it's not well set, it's better to avoid it) and help other players to go behind Wall. When enough players are behind Wall, they and players in deploy zone start destroying the Wall from all sides. Bad side of this tactic is, that players that attack from behind, could easily get attacked by players in enemies deploy zone.

Least players to use this tactic: 10 (it is best to penetrate the Wall every 2 hexes) in perfect example, can use less

Phalanx - Similar tactic as Testudo, only that stronger players are only in front, behind them there are weaker players. Formation is mostly used to stop enemies from pushing any further or at least slowing them down. Bad side of this formation is, that enemy could attack it from sides. This is hardly prevented, since formation can only turn slowly.

Phanalx used by Aleksander the Great.

Least players to use this formation: 3 in front row, behind them it doesn't matter

Crow - Similar as Encirclement, just that there is only one way. Stronger players start destroying Wall in the middle of map. Like this they make way for others players. A few players gather in centre of map and start attacking enemy from behind.

Least players to use this tactic: 1 for penetrating the Wall, as many possible following the first one

Base - Tactic has 2 different ways of execution (depends if Wall has to be destroyed first or not):
a) Wall has to be destroyed - Stronger player penetrates the Wall, others follow him and gather in centre of map forming artificial "deploy zone" for new players to join the battle.
b) Wall doesn't have to be destroyed/ enemy starts pushing - almost same as in a) case, just that stronger players form "deploy zone" without destroying the Wall first.
How to form deploy zone:
A couple of players form a "square" and leaves space on middle, so that players can deploy there without risk of being attacked by opponents. It is important that centre of formation is in your control and not enemies'! (hex must be in your color)

Least players to use formation: 8, to form a "square"

It's crucial that unit using these tactics is organized! Because hexes aren't set that you could move straight forward (you can only move diagonaly left or right) the unit must be careful that it goes left or right. If one part goes left and the other right formation could fall appart, making it releatively easy for enemy to finish the job.

If you know of any other tactics that could be used, just send me a PM and i'll add it.

All pictures from battlefield are (badly) faked and never happened. Because of better visibility i used only plains to show how formations work.

If there will be enoguh interest in this, i will organize gathering in some chat room, so we can try using some of these formations and then i'll report progress in my articles.

Since i want to keep publishing in Russia, i'd need someone to translate these articles for me. Pay is not much, only 0.1-0.3 gold (depends on lenght of text) per article. Any possible interesents write me a PM and we'll talk.
(Please no guys who pretend to know Russian while using Google translate, just to get gold.)

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