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This newspaper is released by the Belgian Ministry of Home Affairs and Belgian Ministry of Education

A final summary of my first term as SoMF

5 2,026 jour, 10:32 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

A final summary of my first term as SoMF

What i planned to do, and what i eventually have done.en savoir plus »

[MoHA] Media Mogul Project - PART1 (re-published)

4 2,026 jour, 09:58 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

I decided to re-publish the article for the first part of el1temkd's Media Mogul Project, which now becomes project en savoir plus »

SoMFUN evaluation(the questions)

11 2,024 jour, 09:37 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

SoMFUN evaluation(the questions)

I have heared many positive comments in the articles i have … en savoir plus »

Add a Caption - repost

70 2,021 jour, 07:19 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Add a Caption!

What is it?
A simple text-to-image contest.

How does it work?[en savoir plus »

Newspaper of the Month(May 2013)

10 2,019 jour, 08:09 Published in Belgium Belgium Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Newspaper of the Month(May 2013)

Yes the tittle says it...
[url= savoir plus »