SoMFUN evaluation(the questions)

Day 2,024, 09:37 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
SoMFUN evaluation(the questions)

I have heared many positive comments in the articles i have writen and the info i have spreaded.
But to close it all off in a proper way i like to ask you some questions on how i did and the stuff i did.
Below you will find a link to the survey i have set up.
I will keep this survey running until this article no longer shows in the "Top news"-feed on the main page.

This is the survey i like you to fill in: Survey closed. Thank u for your time.

I'll give a final summary of this survey in the article that closes my first term as Secretary of Media & FUN.

And this is the best part: Every person that fills it in get 10 BEF for his/her trouble!

That's it...
Short and simple message, no need for more

Secretary of Media & FUN