A final summary of my first term as SoMF

Day 2,026, 10:32 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
A final summary of my first term as SoMF

What i planned to do, and what i eventually have done.
First i will quote what i said in this article ->Presenting myself as SoMF(Secretary of Media & FUN), followed with what i actually did do or did not do.

I stated this:
* I will make a game in an article called "Add a caption"(see this past article: Add caption - win gold and weapons). The price you can recieve is different from what i made before. How a caption is chosen will be explained in that article itselve.
I did this:
* It started slowly but with the repost there was much more interest in it(most likely because of the increase of price-money).
* [SoMF]game - Add a Caption
* Add a Caption - repost

I stated this:
* Another kind of thing i will try does not involve any prices at all(after all the MoFUN is not just for personal gain by winning prices). This game wil be named "The Nevere-Ending-Story". You as person who places a comment in the article will be making that story, all i do is give the first words and then you provide a new line to continieu the story...etc. After 2 days of this story going on i will begin a new article where i will write down all the comments from the previous article and you can add a new line from there. If this idea is successful i might eventually need to leave part of the story in another article, but...... The story itselve will never end!!!
I did this:
* I managed to get a repost of it out and hoped to make a longer story.
-> [SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - free game
-> [SoMF]The Never-Ending-Story - free game(repost1)
Eventually little happened so i made a final draft of this fairly weird story and made this final article: [SoMF]game - Never-Ending-Story May 2013)

I stated this:
* I also believe it is nesecarry to promote articles or forum-topics that can be considdered entertainment. for this reason i will highlight 1 newspaper once per week(tittled "Newspaper of the Week") and give a short summary describing that paper and why this one was chosen. And if possible(if the newspaper-owner agrees to it) i'll give a very...very short interview with its creator. I will also whip up a badge for that newspaper.
I did this:
* From that idea i had at that time i managed to create "Newspaper of the Week" and the final of "Newspaper of the Month".
* these are the articles of that:
-> [SoMF]Newspaper of the Week(1° week)
-> [SoMF]Newspaper of the Week(2° week)
-> [SoMF]Newspaper of the Week(3° week)
-> Newspaper of the Month(May 2013)

I stated this:
* I will also revive old games, contineu existing ones and maybe create new ones in the FUN-section of the forum.
I did this:
* I regret to tell you that little has happened in the FUN-section of the forum. this is mostly because during my term most of the people on the forum focused on the politics and the justice department. Only a few people did something in the games that already existed.

I stated this:
* To learn if my performance in this role is sufficient enough i will make at least 1 survey to evaluate my job. Don't worry, i will try to keep it simple.
I did this:
* This is the short message article sharing the link to the survey: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/somfun-evaluation-the-questions--2272273/1/20
* 15 people filled it in before i closed it. Except 4 of them they have been following it always or most of it.

The most popular articles appeared to have been:
1th) "Add a Caption" serie
2th) "The King Critically Lion Game"
3th) "The never-ending story - free game" + repost & summary-article
4th) "Newspaper of the week/month" serie
5th) "Presenting myself as SoMFf(secretary of Media & FUN)"

When asking how they would describe these articles, the answers shere all very positive:
- "funny and interesting"
- "Informative and a very good introduction to the future work"
- "Always pleasant to read"
There where more positive reactions, but you get the idea.
The avarage rating of there choices would come to an 8/10

When choosing there favorite Newspaper of the Week this was the most popular one: [SoMF]Newspaper of the Week(1° week)
Most notable describtion of it is: Well, it's a newspaper that isn't all about politics and which cares about citizens and their relations.

The never-ending-story is simply "plain fun"? Eve th most negative comment was a fun one(positivly speaking).

Add a caption had an overall rating of 9/10.

As to "The King Critically Lion Game", it has both game and article an average rating of 8/10.
Most(if not all consider the prices to be acceptable.
A little taste of one of the responses of how describing this game: "better with this one is that atleast everyone gets something. Never won anything with the previous ones"

Most replies indicate that commuication was very good(average rating 4/5)
I general i was rated with a very good score(average rating 4/5)

1 other thing i believe i did well is "The King Critically Lion game".
With the help of Programme Tvvince and our CP Beaverss Tribute to Rasko i managed to start this game on the 28th May and Completed on 30th May.
Some people where concerned that this game would be against eRepublik Laws but the administator assured me that the way the game was set-up it was not a problem.
-> [SoMF]The King Critically Lion Game
-> The King Critically Lion Game(the winners)

Considering that this department(or it's eqivalant) was dead for a very long time and that the previous time was not so successful, i would say that i managed to do a fairly good job.
There where almost no negative responses to my job and the least positive notes where mostly about some errors i made, but i managed to handle those well.

If you think there are still some things you believe could have been better or more efficient, please do comment below. 🙂

Secretary of Media & FUN