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[SC] A kofeju orszag fiai...

25 1,153 jour, 14:33 Published in Hungary Hungary

Baradlay Athompson es Baradlay Ernst allnak hazajuk agyanal...

- Beket kotok a romanokkal mert ertelmetlen a … en savoir plus »

[SC]Modern janissaries serve the Sultan.

44 1,150 jour, 13:46 Published in Turkey Turkey

...from Christian boys … en savoir plus »

[SC]Hungarian reconquista.

17 1,150 jour, 10:01 Published in Spain Spain

1150, Maramures.

King AThompson and El Ernst started their reconquista.Heretic walachians beg for mercy, but NO … en savoir plus »

[SC] Ro Hunter 2011.

40 1,150 jour, 09:47 Published in Poland Poland

Open Season.

I invite Polish hunters to hunt some wild animals in Maramures.

[img][/img] … en savoir plus »

[SC][Ministry of Propaganda]Money for nothing.

54 1,148 jour, 14:30 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria

Who is the biggest failer of the month?Ohh ye Bulgaria!!!!

Source: donate list of Bulgarian National Bank. … en savoir plus »